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Troubleshooting Tips for Your HVAC Systems

  • Circuit Breakers and Fuses – Verify that circuit breakers are turned on and no fuses are blown.  Since they are designed to interrupt the power to a circuit when the current flow exceeds safe levels, you may want to consult a professional regarding the reason for the power overload.
  • System Air Filter – Dirty air filters can reduce air flow, performance and prevent the system from working at all. Clean filters allow the air to circulate better and help your building heat up or cool down quicker.
  • Thermostat Settings –  Always verify that the thermostat settings such as date, time, system and fan settings are correct. Many modern thermostats utilize digital controls to help users set up their prefferred configurations. You can even control your unit remotely utilizing these devices.
  • Ignition Problems – If your HVAC unit has trouble starting up, you may be experiencing ignition problems. Pilot lights, igniters, and certain electrical components may need to be replaced.
  • Issues with Coils – Many HVAC units use coils, and these components play a large part in how the units function. If you notice that your coils seem to be corroded or at risk of breaking apart, it may be time to call in the professionals.

Our Service Department, with its team of highly skilled technicians, is committed to protecting your investment.  We offer 24/7 diagnosis and repair and Preventative Maintenance Contract Plans for all types and sizes of systems. These Plans are uniquely designed to ensure that your system is operating at peak performance many years after the installation is complete.

HVAC Maintenance

When you use Alltek for Service & Maintenance you willl have the advantages of:

Extended Equipment Life
Lower Energy Costs
Increased Occupant Satisfaction
Prevention of Expensive Repairs
Increased Productivity

For 24/7 Emergency Service call: (518) 238-2600

Service contract clients receive Priority Service in the event of an emergency.

Service FAQs

Q. Why is preventative maintenance important?

A. Preventive maintenance can extend the life of the system, reduce service calls and overall operating costs.

Q. Should I repair or replace my system?

A. If a system is more than 10 years old, replacement should be considered. Overall condition and performance should be taken into consideration. If a unit has been prone to frequent breakdowns, replacement may be the best option. If a unit has been maintained well and has not been prone to breakdowns, it might make sense to repair rather than replace.

Q. What happens during a preventative maintenance visit?

A. Here’s what you can expect during HVAC maintenance: belts and filter changes, motor and electrical component tests, cleaning of burners, coils and contacts, and an overall system operation check.

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